Time flies in the real world
It's been more than a year now since I got my thesis signed. It's been a little more than a year since I signed the lease on my apartment. (Which, incidentally, means it's time to sign another one.) It's coming up on a year since I moved to NY and started work. I've had a cell phone for a year!
My (first) graduation was nearly two years ago. I last visited my family in Virginia six months ago. Mystery hunt was four and a half months ago, which was the last time I saw a lot of people. (Which, incidentally, means they should come visit me.)
Every day this month when I've flipped the page on my calendar, I've had a little moment of panic when I realize that 2006 is almost half over already. What happened to time? I'm sure it didn't use to go this fast.
Part of it must have to do with the sudden lack of landmarks--there's no midterms, finals, major projects anymore. There's annual and mid-year reviews, but six months apart is too much, and anyway I've only been through one so far. Other than that the weeks more or less fade into each other. The slow sense of accomplishment isn't enough to tell me that months are passing.
On top of that, I've spent most of the past several months on a two-week cycle, where I spend every other weekend up in Boston. As much as I enjoy doing that, it means I only get the option of lie-at-home-do-nothing days every two weeks. Whatever sense of time I get out of that is a factor of two off from where it should be.
At least I can tell it's summer now. I can almost believe it's March as I walk up the street some mornings, but that still gets me within two months of the actual time. And then it thunderstorms and I feel like it's July, but still--just a couple months off. As long as there's regular seasons, I can't completely lose track of time. Good thing I'm not living in California, I guess.
Half over?!?! O.O
Well, 5/12 over, which is almost half. It's June already!
And PC Magazine seems to think it's over already.
A traditional way to observe the passage of time is holidays (religious, civic, astrological). You already note changes of season. You could narrow it down. In a big city you may feel removed from the agricultural cycle, but you need not be. There are lots of farmers' markets in your area and it is possible to plan your summer living around them.
My inner clock is busy counting down to locally grown organic strawberry time (3 weeks, more or less). That's more relevant to my quality of life than marking the Solstice, although we do that too.
I myself am all out of whack with scheduling since I'm on the quarter system. It's June!! I turned in a problem set today! What the hell?? It's especially disorienting as I'm used to thinking, "my birthday is well into the summer" and "summer starts when classes are over." But but classes will have been barely over this year. So it can't be June yet.
On the other hand, if I have my way, I'll probably never leave academia. But I feel your calendar-related pain.
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